What's the Cave Names Database?

The CaveNames project has been set up to document how cave names, passages and areas of caves in the UK got their names. As new discoveries are made, often names are born out of circumstances at the time and their origins may get forgotten over time or never even get recorded.

The project is in it's early stages and we'd like to invite you to submit your origin stores. Think Urban Dictionary but for cave names!

Origin stories can be for the actual name of the cave itself or just part of it - a passage, chamber or pitch for example. Try and include as much detail as you can about how the name came about, who named it and the background that led to it being called what it's known as today. Of course some places may have more than one story!

As data builds up, the site will no doubt evolve but it needs your input to get off the ground.

Submit Your Origin Story

Questions, comments and suggestions?

Feel free to get in touch :)



© Cave Names Database 2022